I learned a lot this winter. It would be a lie to say that I loved my time in Las Vegas. I struggled at times both personally and in my climbing. Sometimes the battle is swift and easy, but sometimes there's simply no way to win. Damn it. Climbing has taught me countless things about life, helped me through rough times and lifted me up when everything else seemed to crumble. Climbing has given me a space to develop my sense of self, and a backwards reminder that ups or downs, send or no send, life is good.
Trying something at your physical limit will rip your heart wide open. My victories on this one must be counted very carefully (read: they're small). I am a stubborn bastard though and once I feel I want something - be it that fickle, one star 12d that I can't seem to freaking send - or a dream route, I will keep trying until it kills me. I really look forward to my next campaign in Sin City and I've already made plans for it. There's a long route there that I'd really like to climb and a Casino or two that I'd like to get even with.

Looking ahead -> I'll be on my way to Switzerland soon. A few months living in Interlaken, exploring many crags that I've dreamt about for years. Solo mission. Zippy little german car winding through the luscious Alps. Beautiful cows. Nice people. Snowy peaks. Ive got a fat list of projects and ideas - just praying for some stable weather and to meet some good friends along the way.