Yesterday I happily turned in my final assignment as an undergraduate student at Naropa University. I feel much like I did when I was finishing high school, in that I have many opportunities to look forward to and much to be excited about. In the hopes to pursue a dream of mine (as well as prolong any additional responsibility), I set out to explore some fresh Earth terrain, gather a few more good stories and enjoy the potential that I (with the support of good friends and family) have built underneath me. Rock climbing has been a powerful motivation for this next step in my life and I am greatly thankful to the sport and community for that. Give yourself a high five! Hopefully I will have the chance to do it in person as I am planning travels and adventures near and far. I'm aiming to climb and travel as long as my pockets and my imagination will take me (with the superb aid of my sponsors). I realize that the opportunity before me does not often arise and thus I am intending to really go for it. Enter the stories of J-STAR, IN ORBIT!!!!
side note: J-STAR routes will still exist at the BRC, I'll be working hard on the ladder whenever I'm in town..
Tuesday was a hell of day to kick it all off as well. Seth Lytton (aka LIGHTNING) and I did a killer trifecta in Eldo beginning with the short and powerful Captain Crunch (13 a/b), a highly under-rated climb that demands some grunt and tricky beta. We then headed directly to the burly cave route, the Monument (13a), for a team flash. We finished the day with a run on Your Mother (12d), which I had done a couple times, but the exposure and high quality of this classic deserves plenty of repeats in my opinion. We also had a chance to check out a couple boulder problems that I have been interested in- stay tuned for these..
After crushing Eldo, I headed into my local grocer and crushed that place, stoked to get some real grub in my house after eating peanut butter and pretzels all through finals. Fueled and excited, I finished my first day of freedom with a ride up flagstaff and an amazing dinner with my lovely girl. Life is good!
Photo: Myself taking flight off of Sarchasm.