Monday, July 20

Spear Me

My Dad and I charged up to Spearhead on Saturday and had a killer time on the classic route, 'Spear Me the Details' 5.11+ III. The weather turned out perfect, and aside from passing an escaping party, it went almost too smoothly.. I combined the two difficult pitches on the route for an amazing 200 ft granite scratching slab fest. 'Spear Me' is a stunner!

We saw a really interesting creature tromping across the snow patch below, from a few pitches up. It looked everything like a wolf, and as far as we know wolves have been re-introduced in Northern Colorado, but in RMNP? It was a large animal, but was definitely not an elk or sheep. Super interested to find out what it could have been- do you know?

Andy Mann and I are hitting the road early tomorrow morning, and the plans are to try and find a somewhat secret and apparently amazing crag called 'The Hoop' for a few days on our way to Salt Lake City for the comfort of modern air conditioning at its best- the mighty Salt Palace (yes, Jabba the Hutt does have a booth at OR, no, there will not be dancers, but there will be informative literature and Jabba the Hutt keychains).

From there we will be heading north and eventually west. I've got my suit all packed up for the wedding, but don't tempt me- I will bust it out early!! Can't wait to hit the road, stay tuned.