Life remains busy and plenty exciting. Between spending long hours dangling from cliffs and free climbing some incredible creations of my very own, I've been down in Boulder socializing, organizing and riding my mountain bike non-stop. I've got an action packed couple months ahead of me and I predict a lot of personal growth to come with it.
Starting from the top.. Andy Mann and I am putting together a feature article for Urban Climber Mag about our fantastic road trip which is gonna knock dem little socks off- look for it out next month. On a similar note, we are putting on a wicked slide-show at the Boulder Rock Club focusing on Colorado burl, on Wednesday October 7- details will be posted as it approaches, but expect beer, a dope raffle / give away and some awesome stories of hard sends and behind the lens laboring.
I am proud to say that I will be coaching beginning next month, both for the BRC Junior Team and for Robyn Ebersfield's amazing ABC kids. This is super exciting news for me. When this rock climbing thing fizzles out I am planning on seeking a career as an educator. Needless to say, I really love being around kids- especially kids with such talent as these. I'm sure I will learn tons from the experience.
I've also been put together a flyer and a poster for a special student event we are hosting at the BRC on Sept 4th. We are reaching out to the college crowd by offering kick ass membership rates for students, a $5 entry coupon and having a $5 open-til-midnight student night with live D.J.'s and the whole shibang. Should be a back-to-school good time.
Now for some juice! I bolted some new shit!! I have established a route or a boulder here and there before, but never before have I put this much consistent time, energy and $$$ into new-routing. I am HOOKED. I can hardly fall asleep some nights, thinking of good route names, potential lines and who I can convince to haul a giant pack of hardware for me. I am making up a killer topo and plan to create titillating route descriptions on Mountain Project, but in the meantime you will have to write me a note or call my cell to get approach beta. My most notable lines are 'Cloak and Dagger' an AMAZING, varied, super long and steep 5.13 b/c that commands respect.. and a brand new (today) climb called 'Magic Carpet Ride' 5.13+ that requires bold power endurance, toe hooks and drop knees up an immaculate wave of stone. Sickening.. just sickeningly good. I will post additional beta as soon as possible, but I'm steady bolting and trad climbing new routes for the next couple days at least. So stoked to share these routes with the community!