checked out a very cool exhibit at Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art
I'm planning to spend a healthy chunk of time hanging around the western slope of Colorado until Kentucky comes into season. There are a few important routes out west I'm ambitious to check out and I've also been really looking forward to doing some route development in that area as well. I spent a few days last week bushwhacking and exploring a newer zone and even sunk a handful of bolts. The stone on the western slope is definitely a mixed bag, but huge amounts of potential exist. It'll be fun to further explore this area and many others in the coming months. Time to get myself some Sika and a machete!
new cliffs
I bought my Tacoma in late May and I've already clocked 10,000 miles on it... needless to say, I've been spending plenty of time behind the wheel and living out of the truck, which has been seriously empowering and shockingly comfortable. I hooked up with Vince Mazzuca over at Yakima during the OR show and he helped me realize one final frontier in the quest to make my rig livable... more space. This new rocketbox has already dramatically improved my quality of life in the truck - big thanks to Yakima!
I'm honored to be presenting a slide-show this upcoming Saturday, August 27th (my birthday!) along with fellow Sportiva athlete and legend Tommy Caldwell at this year's Rocky Mountain Rendezvous up in Estes Park. The event lasts all weekend (Aug 26-28) and features the Lumpy Ridge trail day, clinics, parties, climbing and slide-shows. It seems like the perfect setting for me to present slides and stories about my beginnings as a climber and my experience climbing and obsessing about Colorado - I'm super excited to be involved. Please come up, have a drink on us and enjoy some slides if you're in the area!
Lastly, I just added a short interview that I did with Salt Lake based photographer and rad dude Dan Morris - have a look here.
Dan Morris
Rush hour in Saigon - Dan Morris