Spring Break typically marks the beginning to my year end, academic-enthusiasm-downfall. This year it marks a very special downfall in that it will be my last (at least for a while). Thus I am giving a little extra effort to really give up on my school work, and damn, it feels great!! Of course, it would help if the weather was a bit more inspiring, but my recent acquisition of the classic, unrivaled video gaming system, a Nintendo 64, has helped with the evaporation of my inside time..
Okay, Ha ha ha. I'm only (half) kidding. I have got quite a load of school work to finish up here in my final month of college (whoa, dude). And although my enthusiasm is waining, my excitement for the undergraduate finish line will no doubt get me through.
I refuse to give total credit to the BLIZZARD of MARCH 09 for ruining my spring break.. as I mentioned before, Sinks Canyon was awesome- and our 2 days there were killer (no pun intended). My buddies Dan and Seth (Lightning!) and I did up a rad Flagstaff session before the storm followed us and dumped on Boulder. We both quickly did the ultra classic Hollows Way, for the first time, as well as re-opening an excellent V9 on the Capstone Boulder, the Oxman Arete. After the storm hit, we switched our pursuit and choice of outerwear for some extreme Tequila induced night sledding (see attached picture of Dan and Marisa) and also ripped up the BRC. So spring break was not a total failure by any means. However, I did not get my fix for real stone grabbing, and I am left egger to travel this upcoming weekend, assuming that the month of April brings some heat!
In other news.. Make sure and have a look at the awesome Rocky Mountain Highball website- and buy tickets to the premier!!! of course. Plus, stroll into Neptune and flip through the brand new Flatirons Climbing Guide by Sharp End Publishing - an area that I have always loved finally gets a very worthy full color guide book.