"Sunshine with record breaking temperatures; extreme heat can be dangerous for outdoor activities" Not quite the weather forecast one might hope for while on a climbing trip.. But here we are, in Washington. It's basically my first time here, and it is definitely beautiful. We checked out an amazing area this morning - Leavenworth. Granite monsters sleep in this nice canyon above an entirely Swiss modeled town. If it were not so damned hot we would be having a ball on sticky boulders right now, but instead we are sipping iced americanos and loathing about the record breaking temperatures in the North West. Gosh dang it!! The forecast calls for continued ball-busting heat until the weekend. Any ideas?!?
God forbid we find ourselves climbing indoors on a climbing trip.. but I'll do it!! In the meantime we will remain here in Leavenworth wasted every hour in the comfort of air conditioning, drooling over the cool temps we experienced just two days ago.
Speaking of drool- Andy Mann donated an awesome shot of me on 'Heart n Cock n Balls' V10 featured below. Idaho is awesome!